The miracle of life

Pregnant women living in poor rural communities do not have access to the wealth of resources that we are so fortunate to have – they do not have copies of ‘What to expect when you’re expecting’ or a dedicated gynaecologist to support them through pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Poor nutrition

Subsequently, many babies are born with disabilities; these can be due to the mom giving birth alone or with an inexperienced helper, or due to poor nutrition or not knowing they needed to take folic acid before conception.

Finding a way to inform and educate these often very young women is so vital.


In Asia, a project funded by The Freedom Challenge is having a long-lasting impact on the health of babies and pregnant women.

Your support has helped to fund resources for an eight-session pre-natal course, and a booklet called ‘Miracle of life’, that gives women lots of information and advice; the aim is to train the women who attend the course to go back to their villages and share their knowledge with their communities.

Training sessions

One training session took place in a village high up in the mountains in central Asia. Pauline, a young pregnant trainee nurse, eagerly signed up.

As the group leader asked questions, she was interested to hear some of Pauline’s answers – Pauline had been told by her grandma that stomach pain during pregnancy was related to the hair on the baby’s head and that the baby will be disabled if the father drinks alcohol during the pregnancy.

As the course progressed, Pauline’s eyes were opened. By the end, she was able to give correct reasons for different health issues women may experience during pregnancy. She took many notes and is now eager to share her knowledge with women back home in her very rural village.  

Healthier moms and kids

This kind of education impacts the lives of whole communities – as more and more women learn how to take care of themselves and their unborn baby there will be healthier moms and children for many generations to come.

More than 50 million women a year give birth without the help of a trained professional
If all mothers were able to complete primary education, maternal deaths would be reduced by two-thirds, saving 98,000 lives

Your support will mean that more resources and training courses can reach the most needy communties. Donate today.

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