Facing the storm

This is a story about a young woman called Izer, one of the many thousands of people who have risked their lives crossing treacherous seas to reach safer shores in Europe

Desperate and seeking a better life for herself, Izer took one of the many migrant boats from Libya bound for Italy. She believed the traffickers when they told her they would find her a good job with a regular pay check.  


In the middle of the stormy sea, the little boat, filled to capacity with over 100 people on board, began to sink. They were all frightened and had no idea what to do. But brave Izer spoke out.

Remembering the Bible story of Jesus calming the storm, she said: ‘Whether you are a Christian or not, call out to Jesus.’ Many people did so. In an instant the water in the boat cleared. The seas became calmer and the small vessel continued on to safely reach its destination.

The people were amazed. One of the girls who had travelled with Izer gave her life to Jesus as a result of this miracle.


When Izer reached France, she realised the traffickers had lied to her. She was forced to sell her body on the streets.

A project supported by The Freedom Challenge is reaching out to her, praying for her and working to secure her freedom.


When outreach workers met Izer they were amazed at her faith. “From the first time we met,” says one of the workers, “we noticed her love for God and a deep sadness at being there, on the street, selling her body to strangers. Naturally we are very sad to see her in this situation but one thing is certain: there are children of God among these female victims of human trafficking and despite their current circumstances these women are witnesses for God. Can the same be said for those of us who are 'free'?”

Last year, one million refugees arrived in Europe from North Africa or the Middle East. And many more continue to arrive seeking safety and shelter.

The Freedom Challenge supports projects like the one helping Izer. But we need your support to reach the many more thousands of women who are trapped in modern-day slavery in cities across Europe.

$150 sets one woman on a path to freedom.  Whatever gift you give will make a difference.

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