45.8 million enslaved people around the world

This week, some new statistics were released that shone a light on the growing problem of modern-day slavery; there are now an estimated 45.8 million people trapped in slavery around the world according to the Global Slavery Index.

Huge increase

This is a shocking figure. In fact, the estimate has increased by 10 million since 2014.

This is why we do what we do. Human trafficking and modern-day slavery are growing problems – we passionately believe that together we can save more and more women and children from a lifetime of abuse, sex trafficking or forced labor.  

India and North Korea

According to the report, India has the highest number of people living as slaves, an estimated 18 million. And North Korea has the highest percentage of its population living as slaves – 4.4%, that’s one in every 20 people.

In total, 167 countries were found to have incidences of slavery.  And 55 per cent of those living in slavery live in five countries – India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Uzbekistan.

The USA is one of the top three countries effectively tackling slavery, and we can be very proud of that fact. But we have our share of slaves too – around 57,700.  

Be part of the solution

As a Freedom Challenge supporter you are part of the solution to one of the world’s biggest problems. Your donations, your time, your awareness of the issue mean that we can be a voice for these voiceless millions.

Thank you for taking a stand.

Remember, just $150 sets one women or child on a path to freedom. You can bring freedom to someone trapped in slavery TODAY!

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