Breaking Barriers

Breaking Barriers: Elisha’s Journey from Bonded Labor to a Future of Hope

As a child in South Asia, Elisha thought he was destined to years of hard labor at a brik kiln, just like his father and generations before. When he heard about OM’s remote mountain school, he felt like a door had opened that he did not even know existed. The first day Elisha walked into the classroom, he realized the school did not only offer education—it offered hope, something he had never experienced before.

Completing high school at OM’s school transformed Elisha’s life, inspiring him to pursue higher studies and a future he once thought was impossible. “Now, I am convinced that nothing can hold me back,” he said. “OM’sSchool gave me a new path, one I will walk with determination until I reach my dreams of becoming a doctor, and in doing so, help change the lives of others.”

We are grateful and proud to be a ministry of OM that is specifically engaging the hearts and hands of women. Thank you for partnering with us to see God move the mountains of oppression, exploitation and trafficking. 

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