Summer camp in Eastern Europe
Your support has been a huge blessing to disadvantaged and vulnerable girls in one Eastern Euopean country.
Many of these girls are neglected and endure very poor living conditions; they are vulnerable to exploitation and to being trafficked.
Giving them a wonderful vacation builds their self-confidence and demonstrates to them how much they are worth. Take a look at the smiling faces in the photo gallery below to see what a difference you are making!

Please do remember to pray for these girls. The team who organised the camp were sad to learn that a 13-year-old and a 15-year-old who were registered for the camp didn't come because they are pregnant.
They also learnt of two 13-year-old girls living with their 'boyfriends' (men in their 40s).
They need our continued prays and financial support to make sure these camps can continue to happen. They play a vital role in preventing girls from being exploited.
You can give today - just $12.50 a month will set one child on the pathway to freedom.