What is a Freedom Circle?

Freedom Circles are an exciting new way for you to make a difference to the lives of enslaved women and children.

Here is our 10-step guide to setting up a Freedom Circle

1. Gather your friends, neighbors, sisters and moms – a Freedom Circle is a group of between 6 and 12 women who commit to meeting up once a month for a year, or longer, to hang out and be inspired. You’ll learn more about Freedom Challenge’s international projects and local organizations that are tackling modern-day slavery and working with vulnerable women and children.

2. Sign up: When you have a group of 6-12 ladies, sign up here, and we will be in contact with more information and resources for you to use in your monthly meet-ups.

3. Get hosting: Each member of the group takes it in turns to host; you could have dinner, breakfast or just coffee and pastries – it’s entirely up to you. The most important thing to remember is be flexible and have fun!

4. Leaders: Select one or two people to lead the group. They can organise the calendar, send out group messages and keep on top of finances.

5. Plan: Decide which months you want to focus on Freedom Challenge projects –at least six of your monthly meet-ups will focus on our international projects. For the remaining sessions, you can invite guest speakers from local organizations that are working with vulnerable women and children.

6. Resources: We will provide you with exclusive videos that highlight the vital projects The Freedom Challenge supports and show how lives are being changed around the world. Alongside the videos we’ll give you factsheets which will help kick-start discussion and generate fundraising ideas.

7. Get fundraising: Each member will give an agreed monthly donation. For some groups this may be $30 per month, for others it will be higher. This pot of money will then go towards freeing more women and children from modern-day slavery. But you don’t have to stop there. Be as creative as you like in coming up with ways to raise awareness and funds for The Freedom Challenge.

8. Get together: Once or twice a year we’ll encourage you to get together with another Circle, local to you, and organize a fundraising event. This could be anything from a sponsored bike ride to a family fun day to a silent auction.

9. Get out there: We want you to see for yourself how lives are being changed through your support. You’ll have the opportunity as a group to visit international projects. Or you can volunteer with local anti-human trafficking organizations or women’s ministries. And don’t forget that you can also take part in one of our hikes or climbs.

10. Have fun and change lives! You can find out more and sign up here.

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